Sunday, August 21, 2011

Coaching Course Pictures

These are some pictures from a previous coaching course I took through Georgia Soccer.  The instructors were great, very informative and they challenges up to think outside of the box.  I still use a lot of the concepts they taught us with the girls that I coach today, this course was money well spent!

Middle - Final Blogs

Middle Blog

 Reading through the articles in the Harvard Press Business School Press and writing my case papers helped me to look past my boxed view of mentorships.  I was able to apply just about every principle that was introduced in the workplace during my time with Georgia Soccer.  I not only build positive relationships with the people I was working with, but I also had connections at outside events and with the other interns.  I think peer-to-peer mentoring is something that is overlooked but can be very be very beneficial in the long run.  I was also able to apply some of the accounting, marketing, and finance principles I learned earlier in the program.  

During my internship I was given a research project by the tournaments director.  My project consisted of compiling a contact list of contacts for soccer clubs in Ohio and New Jersey.  I put together an excel document with club directors, contact information and, mailing addresses.  I was given post cards promoting the Atlanta Cup tournament to send to each club.  I also called each club to let them know we would be hosting the tournament and to see if they had any questions pertaining to entering.  I was asked to have one of the other interns do the same for the state of Tennessee.  The goal was to try to get at least 20 sent out each day.  I gave the instructions to the other intern and I checked in with him to see how the project was going.  Each time he said fine and I trusted that the work was being completed.  By the end of the month when the director asked for the contact list, I had a list of a couple hundred contacts while the other intern only had about 30 names listed.  Needless to say she was disappointed, not only because there were so few contacts but because I did not manage his work closer. 

As for improvements I would suggest having a total intern orientation opposed to being placed in a department and figuring things out slowly on their own.  I think having a booklet with all of our duties, passwords, and important contacts would be beneficial.  This was everyone knows where to find everything, especially with a company that work off a cloud for their computer system, it was a little overwhelming in the beginning.  It was also assumed that the prior intern explains everything that needs to be done to the new interns, but this was not the case.  Also, I think it would be a good idea to have an evaluation session with each of the managers that you work with opposed to just the supervisor.  I would like to know how the other managers felt about my performance during my time there. 

Final Blog

For the most part I think Georgia Soccer is well organized.  They are the one state association that handles affiliation and hosts four major tournaments annually.  Because they are a nonprofit organization they keep a small number of office employees but have a very committed volunteer oriented base.  It was made clear in the beginning of the internship that they do not plan to hire but will always send a reference when needed.  Some of the employees have been there for years, I think it would be a good idea to consider someone younger to add to their organization.  Maybe to add some fresh ideas that may attract a larger innovative target to continue to spread the joy and experience of the game.

My supervisor and I got along for the most part.  We did have a few communication issues that pertained to me taking constructive criticism.  I think it comes naturally as an athlete that when I am being criticized I need to know what I did wrong, I explain my approach, and ask how it could have been done differently.  I think by me explaining my process it was taken as defensive.  Although it was done in a clam tone and flowed with the conversation, it became clear that she wanted to me to simply say ok and move on.  It is in my nature to need to understand the overall objective.  After the conversation I did think about what she was saying, I think that was a situation where I need to learn to pick my battles.  After working in an office for almost three years I have to remember the role that I am playing as I pursue my career from starting and the bottom and working my way back up.  I did apologize and we didn’t have any other issues.  As for the other manager we all got along great and I am very happy with the overall experience.

Although my supervisor did not have much knowledge of soccer she ran the operations of the office very well.  Working with the other departments in addition to the operations gave me a good overall understanding of the organization and all of the aspects involved in it operating smoothly.  The down side was miscommunication between my supervisor and me because I always get along with everyone.  Although our relationship was not damaged, it was clear that she was a little disappointed in a few things from my evaluation. 

There is certainly more positive to take from this experience that negative.  I enjoyed working with all of the managers and my supervisor.  I built good relationships inside and outside of the organization.  It was a great summer full of soccer, laughs, and new professional relationships.  If you would like to learn more about Georgia Soccer I listed the links for the Facebook page as well as the Georgia Soccer website.  I plan to stay in touch with all of the office employees and review my short term and long term goals as it pertains to the suggestions of the my mentor to continue to advance in my career.       

Passion for US Soccer is Alive

Despite what people may think there is a passion for soccer in the United States.  The women's world cup was hosted in Germany this summer.  Millions of fans were glued their televisions to watch the US fight their way to the finals by scoring in the final seconds of the overtime and beating Brazil in penalty kicks.  I only wish I could have recorded the reaction of me and my soccer head friends after the equalizer.  I think this link will give you an idea of the passion that filled homes and bars all over the nation.

Passion for US Soccer is Alive!!  
**Our Executive Direct was interviewed during the hype of the women's world cup giving his opinion of how the cup would effect the growth of the soccer and plugs the Atlanta Cup Tournament.

Georgia Soccer Executive Director on 11 Alive

Month 4 - Membership & Coaching / Referee Certification

Week 14 (6/27 - 7/3) to Week 19 (8/1 - 8/5)

This week Jade was out of the office so I had to print all of the employee and vendor checks.  I began working with the membership and certification departments.  I am helping Tara get people registered for coaching classes this summer.  Georgia Soccer works with FIFA in hosting classes that are recognized at the state and national level.  The from lowest to highest are G, F, E, National D, National Youth, National C, National B and National A.  Currently I have a National D coaching license but I plan to continue once I get the time.  We track registration for 20 for each G, F, and E class while only one of each national class is offered per summer.  Once registration number are solidified I have to order shipping boxes, back all of the booklets and materials according to our numbers, and track the shipping to make sure they arrived at their locations.  More than 90 percent of the course manuals that were on hand had the old logo and tag line in them.  I had to make sure each book had stickers with updated logos before I could pack and ship them.  The same had to be done with the referee certification classes.  There were about 50 classes that we prepared course information for.  I updated all of the certification information for everyone that passed their coaching courses one we received their reviews.  Packing and shipping for coaching and referees went on through the end of my internship.  This became a part of my daily responsibly in addition to updating Tara on what had been sent and what still needed to be processed. 

In working with membership I had to update information for players that were transferring clubs.  Their transfer forms were faxed to me, and I pass the information to the membership director and make sure everything was dated and filed correctly for future reference.  I also filed all of the referee game reports.  When referees have to give a red card during a game its protocol to file a report explaining what happened during the incident.  Once the claim is process members of the board decided how many games the player or coach will have to miss due to their misconduct.  There is an appeals system, but most who attempt to appeal are not successful.

The membership administrator and I worked on a survey that would be given to all of the club directors.  I was to come up with questions about how Georgia Soccer could better assist them with throughout the year.  Once she was satisfied with the 10 question survey I put it together in Survey Monkey, and it was sent out in an email blast. 
I worked with this these two departments through the end of my internship which ended on August 8th.  On the last of day work Jade and the executive director treated us to lunch and thanked us for all of our work with Georgia Soccer.  This was a very good internship, and the fact that I am passionate about the game of soccer made it even better.  I am grateful to each manager in the office for taking the time to work with me, we shared a lot of laughs while building solid relationships.    

Month 3 - Tournaments & Events

Week 8 (5/30 - 6/3)

This week we received a large shipment of t-shirts from Publix.  These are shirts that they give Georgia Soccer a part of their partnership.  They come with the Publix logo on the back and we send them to get the Georgia Soccer logo printed on the front.  These are separated for the beat game, some are sold, and the rest are given to volunteers coaches and staff.  I did inventory on all of the shirts and distributed them to be picked up. 

For tournaments department I had to update jersey numbers on official rosters for all of the teams that advanced to the second round of the state cup tournament.  I was also given a large research project by the marketing director.  There is a huge tournament the Georgia Soccer hosts in September call Atlanta Cup.  In an effort to expand marketing for the tournament I compiled a list of all of the soccer clubs in Ohio and New Jersey.  I made a contact for the director that included club name, the name of the director of coaching, an email address, physical address, and phone number.  We had postcards with the tournament date made and I mailed over 200 Atlanta Cup invites.  I also called and invited each of the teams that I found information for.  I was asked to have one of the interns do the same for Tennessee.  Unfortunately, he told me he was sending the posting cards, but when I asked him to send his contact list (a month into the project) to the director he only had about 30 names.  Since he did not do his part I was held responsible because I did not get his post cards in hand.  This was a definite learning experience I took away.  I know not to assume that someone is completing work because I ask about it, I need to see the work that is being done when I follow up with them.

My project research went through Week 13 (6/20 - 6/24) in addition to a few other daily tasks like mail, insurance reports, and updating the ADG system.  I also worked another Beat game and posted questions on our Facebook page for contest winners to win tickets to the game.

Month 2 - General / Tournaments & Events

Week 4 (5/2 - 5/6)
This week we received all of the boxes with the promotional that need to be packed for Georgia State Rec Cup.  Me and one of the other inters are going to be packing 120 bags for eat of the teams enrolled in the tournament. The tournament has girls and boys teams ages 10 to 19.  The tournament takes place the weekend of May 15th, the top two teams from each age group will play in championships the following weekend.  I had some invoices to pay for Jade and insurance reports.  On one of the reports this week there was a 16 year old girl that was injured during the game.  I could not find her correct team listed in the Affinity system (Affinity has all of the youth and adult players that are registered with the organization).  I had to call the registrar to get her information transferred to the correct team.  When clubs register with Georgia Soccer their insurance coverage is also handled through our organization.  When players are hurt during practice or games the insurance we are associated with will assist with hospital costs.  There was also a director of coaches meeting this week.  Daniel is the head of the coaching department, there was a lunch meeting hosted for the local club directors.  In this meeting he covered rule changes, showed videos of suggested curriculum that could be distributed to coaches, and opened the floor for any questions. 

I also worked on a few other projects for Jade. One was an insurance research project.  The employees of Georgia Soccer are changing their personal insurance provider.  I was in contact with their insurance rep that would be coming to the office to explain their new coverage.  I was responsible for making sure everyone in the office completed and signed all of the documents that would be given to her during the meeting.  Another project was for auditing through the IRS.  I had to review all of the employees financial payment history and answer tax questions, in addition to sending proof of payments and taxes withheld.  The employee information had to be split by those that were on salary and those that were hourly.

Weekly Hours – 40

Week 5 (5/9 – 5/15)
Georgia Soccer is updating their logo and beginning the rebranding process for the organization.  The new tag line is Your State. Your Game.  Some of the people in the office are not crazy about it, but it does look better.  You can see logo and website by clicking on the GSA tab at the top of the blog.  The marketing – public relations company emailed a large document breaking down the colors swatches, clarifying when to use the tag line and when to leave it off, how it should be used in email signatures and letter head, and sizing for the building sign to be replace.  My next project is to research local vendors that will be able to do our promotional items with the new logo.  These items include mugs, key chains, hats, pamphlets, stationary, water bottles and much more.  I am compiling of the prices into an excel document to prepare for my final proposal.  I am scheduling meetings with the top five companies with the most competitive process.  Jade and I will review their samples, I supplied each of them with our branding guidelines so they have a better idea of what we are looking for.  I will present what I find to Jade and our executive direct by the end of next week. 

Georgia State Rec Cup is this weekend.  We registered all of the teams on Thursday.  Each coach or team representative had to supply signed player cards, insurance forms, and an official roster.  Earlier in the week I organized folders for all the teams by age group and gender that had all of the documents that needed to be signed and filed.  Every tournament has different guidelines for registration.  There are no exceptions, and any one that has to come back the next day has to pay a fine.  I was at the office at 8am to help the tournament director with managing the venues from the office.  Because the tournament is so large it takes place at a number of different venues.  I was in charge of 4 different locations.  Each on site volunteer for the four venues would call me to update the scores following each game, weather updates, and clarify any questions about team advancement or registrations.  The weather was fairly over cast on Saturday, but luckily there was no lightning so the games were able to continue.  On Sunday I did the same, but I was on site at one of the venues.  I had a chance to meet all of the volunteers and assisted with the awards ceremony for the teams that would advance to the championship round the following weekend.

 Weekly Hours – 50

Week 6 (5/16 – 5/22)
This week I was focused on finding a vendor to design and put up our new building sign.  I also had to get in touch with the city of Chamblee to get the proper paper work for posting a sign the office building.  I found three vendors with decent prices and scheduled them to come out to meet with Jade and out executive director.  We are also preparing for the Georgia State Cup tournament that will take place in Columbus, Georgia.  We received all of the promotional items for to begin putting the coach’s bags together.  I believe this tournament has about 200 teams that will be participating from all over Georgia.  There was another Score shipment that was delivered this week, I inventoried and updated the spreadsheets.  During my down time I worked on some of the ADG paperwork and did some light filing for Jade.

Weekly Hours – 30

Week 7 (5/23- 5/29)
This week was packing tournament bags for coaches, and getting prepared to go to Columbus for State Cup.  All of our venue flags had the old logo on them so we had make sure all of them had the flags with the new logo attached in addition to all if the Publix venue flags (Publix and Score are two of our main sponsors).  Thursday was another registration day for the teams in the tournament, stayed late to get all of the teams checked in.  On Friday I met two other interns at the office to pack the car with the flags and tents we would need for the weekend.  The drive to Columbus was about 3 hours.  Because the tournament is so large and Columbus is such a small city Columbus State University hosted us, referees, and some of the coaches to stay in the dorms through the weekend.  Once we arrived to the park on Friday we put up Georgia Soccer and Publix flags all over the venue, helped line about 20 full size soccer fields, set up corner flags, and organized the tournament office.  During the tournament I worked as a field marshal, updated the tournament website, and recorded all of the red card reports and incident reports.  We also had a chance to watch some of the games.  It was a beautiful soccer park with lots of vendors.  Overall it was a great it was a great soccer weekend and I learned a lot all of the work that is put into making such a large tournament run smoothly.

Weekly Hours - 50

Month 1 - Operations

Week 1 (4/11-4/16)
During the first week I will be working with the director of operations and my primary supervisor, Jade.  After getting a tour of the office, we went over some individual tasks that I would be responsible for while working with her.  I am responsible for separating and tracking checks that come into the office for club dues as well as make sure everyone else receives their mail.  I am also responsible for checking Pullen, our insurance claims website.  When injury reports are submitted for player affiliated with Georgia Soccer it's my responsibility to make sure they are properly registered and their team information is current.  In the event that there is a discrepancy in the registration or info listed I will need to call the clubs registrar to make sure the player is properly registered.  I am also work as a receptionist during for a while.  I take in all incoming calls, answering general questions, and forwarding calls to the needed departments.  I started working on a large filing project for Jade.  Each year she files all checks that are sent to vendors, employees, and referees.  These files are kept during each fiscal year, the packed up and stored.  I am organizing and packing up all last of years files to be stored.  I ordered more folders and labels to make new files for the next fiscal year.  This weekend I am working the marketing table for the Atlanta Beat game.  The Atlanta Beat is the women's professional soccer team for Atlanta.  They are currently in their third year of affiliation with WPS (Women's Professional Soccer).  The game is on Saturday afternoon in Kennesaw, Georgia.  Throughout the week I will be collected swag that will be given away at the game.

Weekly Hours - 44

Week 2 (4/18 - 4/24)
Saturday one other intern and I worked the Atlanta Beat game.  There was a pretty good crowd, we were responsible for setting up the Georgia Soccer Tent, getting people to sign up on our Facebook page, and letting people know that there is a Georgia Soccer license plate that can be purchased from the DMV.  Most of the kids came in the soccer jerseys.  We had all kinds of stuff for them t-shirts, key chains, soccer beach balls, lunch boxes, and water bottles.  We had Kohl’s and Sports Authority coupons for the parents.  During half time we announced the name of the winner for the raffle.  The winner won a backpack a ball, a jersey, water bottle, some extra coupons, and a soccer magazine.  To get rid of the last of the prized we had left the kids had to juggle the ball a selected number of times.  The event was a lot of fun I think I have three other Beat games that I will be working this season.

In the office I finished the last of the filing project.  All of the previous fiscal year checks were stored in bankers boxes and taken to storage.  This week we received a huge delivery from Score.  Score is the vendor we use for majority of our athletic gear for employees and volunteers.  The shipment was about ten boxes that included pull overs, jackets, rain coats, t-shirts in about 5 different colors.  I had to inventory all of the items and build an excel sheet documenting what we ordered and what was delivered.  After inventorying all of the items that had to folded and put in the storage closet.  The inventory project took me most of the week.  I also compiled prizes for the upcoming Beat game on the 24th.

Weekly Hours – 37

Week 3 (4/25 – 4/30)
This week has been a little slow in the office.  I had some other filing to help update Jade’s records for payment tracking and some invoicing.  I learned how to use the ADG system.  This is the system used to keep track of the license records for referees and coaches.  Each time the take a certification class they have to fill out a form for registration.  These forms have been stored in the office in boxes since 1992.  We are working on going paperless in the office, so in I have to update the information on the registration forms in the system and shred and recycle the actual forms.  Everyone keeps talking about getting ready for State Cup in a few weeks.  We are waiting for the rest of the promotion items to come in so the other intern and I can begin stuffing the coaches bags for the tournaments.  Each coach will get a soccer bag with coupons, drawstring backpacks and bag tags for all of their players.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Run Down

Georgia Soccer Association

We are affiliated with the US Youth Soccer Association, United States Adult Soccer Association, and the organization works as the National State Association of USSF to provide coaches and referees with licensing and certification courses.  Clubs that are affiliation with Georgia Soccer Association have access to the highest level of training and coaching, as well as special events and tournaments.  Our mission is to provide ethical leadership and fair standards to support the development and growth of soccer as a life-long sport for all who love the game.  There are 10 full time employees and 4 interns.  We also have a volunteer board that consists of 13 volunteers that set regulations and review financials for the youth and adult side clubs that are affiliated.

My mentor is Jade Beaulieu, she is the Director of Operations for the Georgia Soccer office.  She works closely with the Executive Director and handles all of the accounting for the office. 
One of the great things about this internship is we get to work with each department for a month.  We have operations, coaching and refereeing, tournaments and events, and registration.  Currently, I am working with refereeing and coaching.  We are updating material for certification classes and getting people registered.  I also keep track of payments for classes and making sure all of the paperwork for licenses and certifications are submitted correctly.

My hours are 9-5 Monday through Friday, the office is dressy-casual with lazy Fridays, interns receive a monthly stipend as well as mileage for traveling and working on the weekends.  We also get a ton of swag, who doesn’t love that!

I hope to obtain a better understanding for a number of things through this internship.  The first is the overall operation of a successful nonprofit athletic organization.  The second is the planning, marketing, and execution of sporting events.  Throughout the summer we host 4 large soccer tournaments, one consists of more than 400 teams from the southern region.  Lastly, I am improving my administration skills when it comes to registration and compliance issues.